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Just few weeks ago, we had one of the most exciting experiences we've had in Guasacaca. At the beginning, excited by the idea of having a trip driving up to Wales for about 5 hours which actually ended up in 7 long hours but full of magnificent views and beautiful nature. Then, we arrived at Portmeirion, North West Wales. Small town, colourful and amazingly well organized and this was indeed the place of Festival Number 6. Honestly, not sure how long this Festival was running for but we were really lucky to take part of the last one (at least for now, as they are taking a break) and being part of such a cool festival.  
A wide variety of audience were there, from kids, young and adults and older people and they all have a place to either have fun, relax, drink, sleep, enjoy the nature and even party till very late. 
We love being part of these events as people are really open to try new experiences, drinks and obviously FOOD!... and yes, people there were very foodie. Despite the wet (very wet) weather and a great food offer of well known street food traders in the industry with also more common cuisines, we had people during the rain queuing to get some our Venezuelan speciality and we had people having o arepas on Friday and then seeing them coming back twice in a day and/or during the other 2 days of the festival. Absolutely wonderful Festival and highly recommended to everybody.  
Also, we had the chance to go and check every single place within the area of the Festival in Portmeirion and we found "The Woods", swamp, trees and silence out there but beautifully well decorated, illuminated and little details making a massive difference to the look those woods. Guasacaca is very happy to bring Arepas to more places in the UK and being part of this street food revolution. 
Finally, we even had a great visit from the producers team of Franz Ferdinand to get some arepas for the band... that was really awesome!! 
Venezuelan arepas in Wales 
Tagged as: Food festivals, Wales
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